German society for general and visceral surgery
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Allgemein- und Viszeralchirurgie (DGAV)

DGAV website in English

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News in German language

TripleZ in Essen: Hands-On Operationsworkshop an Körperspendern in spezieller Weichkonservierung. Maximal 10 TeilnehmerInnen operieren eigenständig in 1:2 Betreuung unter Supervision von...

Prof. Dr. J.C. Kalff
Prof. Dr. J.C. Kalff (Secretary)
Prof. Dr. W. Uhl
Prof. Dr. W. Uhl (President)

Welcome to the website of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Allgemein- und Viszeralchirurgie (DGAV, [German society for general and visceral surgery]. The DGAV supports general and visceral surgery in science and in practice. At the same time, the DGAV also represents the interests and concerns of general and visceral surgery at all levels of health and social policy. 

The field of general and visceral surgery includes the endocrine surgery of all organs of the digestive tract (esophagus, liver, bile ducts, pancreas, small and large intestine, anus) and the abdomen. More than 6,200 members were registered in the DGAV in 2024, with new members joining daily. 


The DGAV was founded in 1998. Prior to its founding, the interests of general and visceral surgery were pursued by its "mother society", the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Chirurgie (DGCH). The transformation of the DGCH into a superordinate association representing all surgical fields and the restructuring of specialist training regulations made it necessary to form a separate society that would look after the interests of general and visceral surgery. 

Tasks of the DGAV

The primary task of the DGAV is the continuing improvement of quality in surgery. The society is dedicated to contributing to the welfare of the patient through the quality improvement and quality assurance of surgical performance in all hospitals. Continuously improving surgical quality also benefits the hospital as well as the cost bearers. 

Surgical training

An interactive modular system (12 modules) "By young surgeons for young surgeons" is leading surgical training in new directions. 

OR courses

Modern techniques are taught in special OR courses such as, e.g., "Praktischer Kurs für Viszeralchirurgie Warnemünde" (in German language).

Visiting phyisican and travel grants

Special grants (visiting physician grantstravel grants) provide financial possibilities for members to visit other hospitals. 


The DGAV grants various certifications which exclusively serve quality improvement. The certified centers participate in clinical studies. 

 OR checklist

The DGAV provides its members with achecklist which can help increase patient safety. At the same time, it also exhonorates the hospital in the case of an adverse event. 

Improvement of specialist training regulations

The DGAV is a member of the standing committee for specialist training of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Chirurgie (DGCH) [German surgical society] and the Berufsverbandes der Deutschen Chirurgen (BDC) [professional association of German surgeons]. We persistantly strive for the improvement of specialist training regulations in order to give also younger colleagues the opportunity to receive well-founded and efficient training.


A scientific society like the DGAV is dependent on the activities of its members. We therefore hope for active and critical participation of all members in the formation of the society. Thus, we encourage you as a general and visceral surgeon to register as a member of the DGAV. With your participation in one of the various surgical working groups, you can support medical and scientific activities as well as help form them. 

Should you have any questions or concerns regarding the DGAV, we would be pleased to hear from you.

Sincerely yours,
Prof. Dr. W. Uhl, DGAV President
Prof. Dr. J.C. Kalff, DGAV Secretary


Recent DGAV certifications

Dr. med. Verena Ursprung
Allgemein-, Viszeral- und Thoraxchirurgie
Klinikum Worms gGmbH, Worms
Tel: +49 6241/5013131, WWW
Competence center for Adipositas- und metabolische Chirurgie

Dr. med. Markus Wagner
Klinikum Seefeld, Seefeld
Tel: +49 8152-7950, WWW
Competence center for Hernienchirurgie

Stefan Buchholz
Allgemein-, Viszeral- und minimalinvasive Chirurgie
Kreisklinik Bad Reichenhall, KSOB AG, Bad Reichenhall
Tel: +49 8651-77211009, WWW
Competence center for Hernienchirurgie

Prof. Dr. med. Emilio Dominguez
Allgemein- und Viszeralchirurgie
Sana Helmuth-G.-Walther-Klinikum Lichtenfels, Lichtenfels
Tel: +49 9571/9318, WWW
Competence center for Adipositas- und metabolische Chirurgie

Dr. med. Maximilian Freiherr von Feilitzsch
Klinik für Allgemein-, Viszeral- und Minimalinvasive Chirurgie
Heinrich-Braun-Klinikum gGmbH, Zwickau
Tel: +49 375/514754, WWW
Competence center for Adipositas- und metabolische Chirurgie

Prof. Dr. med. Dr. phil. Marco Bueter
Klinik für Allgemein- und Viszeralchirurgie
Spital Männedorf, Männedorf
Tel: +41 44 922-2511, WWW
Competence center for Hernienchirurgie

Dr. med. Jan-Rasmus Küster
Allgemein- und Viszeralchirurgie
Helios Klinik Müllheim, Müllheim
Tel: +49 7631/882151, WWW
Competence center for Hernienchirurgie

Prof. Dr. med. Andreas Pascher
Klinik für Allgemein-, Viszeral- und Transplantationschirurgie
Universitätsklinikum Münster, Münster
Tel: +49 251 8356304, WWW
Competence center for Chirurgische Erkrankungen des Pankreas

Prof. Dr. med. Andreas Pascher
Klinik für Allgemein-, Viszeral- und Transplantationschirurgie
Universitätsklinikum Münster, Münster
Tel: +49 251 8356304, WWW
Reference center for Chirurgische Erkrankungen der Leber

Dr. med. Ulla Volmer
Allgemein-, Viszeral- und minimalinvasive Chirurgie
Park-Klinik Weißensee GmbH, Berlin
Tel: +49 3096283552, WWW
Competence center for Hernienchirurgie

Last update: 2024-Oct-22