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About DGAV-StuDoQ

In 2008, the DGAV started the acquisition of data on NOTES operations in the national German NOTES register (StuDoQ|NOTES). This was the starting point to responsibly accompany the introduction of new surgical technique and surgical quality assessment in Germany.
As part of the data collection, a new software environment was developed for medical data collection, which continues to be further developed and improved. In addition, an infrastructure has been created to optimally accompany the data acquisition.

StuDoQ data acquisition, analysis and reporting opportunities

The StuDoQ software is used for collecting clinical data, inter alia, for StuDoQ|Pancreas,  StuDoQ|HIPEC, StuDoQ|RectumCancer, StuDoQ|ColonCancer, StuDoQ|LapSigma and StuDoQ|NOTES. Participants receive a comprehensive statistical evaluation of their data, including comparison with the (anonymous) overall data. Thereby a valid and up-to-date "benchmarking" is possible.

The software information is collected online in a customizable input mask. A very flexible adjustable error and plausibility checking ensures optimal data quality. Entered data can be exported and downloaded by the participating institution at any time. Various export formats (Excel, SPSS, CSV) are available. In addition, participants will receive an automatic online statistics (benchmarking). By export opportunities, a high transparency is provided, as an analysis of the entered data at the institutional level is possible at any time without special request to the DGAV or any external service.

For StuDoQ|RectumCancer and StuDoQ|ColonCancer, the software also provides automatic export to XML OnkoBox for certification of cancer centers according to the regulations of the German Cancer Society (OnkoZert). The data collected in StuDoQ can therefore be used directly for OnkoZert audits.

DGAV-StuDoQ also has the infrastructure to optimally support data collection: data entry is embedded in a convenient internet site. Additional information (help texts, current news, etc.) can be displayed, which can be easily added or modified with the content management system at any time. With the contact forms, simple contact to the DGAV is possible. DGAV-StuDoQ also facilitates later statistical analysis  by providing an optimal number of relevant parameters for meaningful scientific analysis. The participating institutions are continuously notified by email regarding changes, important dates etc.

DGAV-StuDoQ offers data collection and analysis also for third parties interested in surgery or other medical fields - get in touch with us ! If you want more information or have questions about StuDoQ, please contact us via the mail form or directly via studoq(at)

 DGAV | StuDoQ Team