17. Februar 2020

ESSO-EYSAC Surgical Anatomy Course on Pancreatic Cancer

This course is a hands-on workshop on surgical anatomy and operative techniques combined with an update on the current concepts of treatment of pancreatic cancer.


Aim of the course
This course is a hands-on workshop on surgical anatomy and operative techniques combined with an update on the current concepts of treatment of pancreatic cancer. The workshop will focus on obtaining a thorough understanding of surgical anatomy and technical aspects of the operative treatment of pancreatic cancer within the framework of evidence-based clinical practice and multidisciplinary approach.

Target participants
Young surgeons or surgical trainees/residents interested in surgery of pancreatic cancer. 

Educational methods
•    Hands-on anatomy and surgery workshops with anatomical specimens and human cadavers
•    Pre-course anatomy e-learning module
•    Plenary lectures
•    MDT case discussions

Congress-Homepage https://www.essoweb.org/courses/esso-eysac-surgical-anatomy-course-pancreatic-cancer-2020/





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