11. November 2021

12. Frankfurter Meeting

In light of the ongoing COVID-19 epidemic, the 12th Frankfurter Meeting will once again offer a hybrid meeting in November 2021.

Programm Thursday

Programm Friday


Dear Colleagues, 

In light of the ongoing COVID-19 epidemic, the 12th Frankfurter Meeting will once again offer a hybrid meeting in November 2021. Building on the tremendous success of past meetings, we are confident that we will once again bring you a most exciting and informative event. 

This year, I am particulalry excited about welcoming our esteemed friend and colleague Prof. Arya M. Sharma to join and co-chair our organising committee. We are certainly looking forward to a most exciting program which will include the latest research and approaches to managing obesity as a serious and complex chronic disease. 

You may already wish to save 11.-12.November 2021 in your calendars. 

Please visit our website for more information on this meeting and take a brief journey through the 20 years of memorable moments from the Frankfurter Meetings. 

Kind regards, 

Sylvia Weiner, Chair



Congress President 

Dr. med. Sylvia Weiner
Krankenhaus Nordwest

Steinbacher Hohl 2 – 2660488 Frankfurt (Main)


Conference Office 

event lab. GmbH
Richard-Lehmann-Straße 12 
04275 Leipzig Germany


Conference Venue 

Kap Europa
Osloer Straße 5 
60327 Frankfurt am Main Germany




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