Surgical working group for liver, gall bladder and pancreatic diseases (CALGP)
(Chirurgische Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Leber-, Galle- und Pankreaserkrankungen, CALGP)

The surgical working group for liver, gall bladder and pancreatic diseases (Chirurgische Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Leber-, Galle- und Pankreaserkrankungen - CALGP) represents the areas of hepatobiliary surgery and pancreatic surgery within the DGAV.
Aims and tasks
"HPB" surgery (hepatobiliary surgery) is an established surgical specialty in many countries. The CALGP takes on this development and provides a forum within the DGAV for all surgeons interested in liver, gall bladder and pancreatic surgery. The CALGP is concerned with the benign as well as the malignant disease of these organs.
The primary tasks of the CALGP are:
- Preparation, co-organization and guidance of the annual CALGP workshop within the framework of the autumn DGAV convention, the CALGP meetings at the Deutsche Chirurgenkongress [German surgical congress], as well as local and national conventions, symposiums and workshops
- Development of standards for the certification of competence and reference centers for pancreatic and liver surgery
- Establishment of hospitation programs for liver and pancreatic surgery at selected clinics
- Cooperation with other German and European working groups and societies:
European Hepato- Pancreato-Biliary Association (EHPBA) - Initiation and guidance of scientific studies
The steering committee of the CALGP invites all colleagues interested in this special area to participate in the working group.