Aims and tasks of the DGAV

The objective of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Allgemein- und Viszeralchirurgie is the advancement of general and visceral surgery in science and in practice, especially through

  • systematic advanced training and continuing education,
  • contributions to quality assurance measures,
  • establishment and deepening of contacts to the superordinate German Society for Surgery (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Chirurgie), to the other surgical foci and to neighboring disciplines, as well as to domestic and foreign professional societies with similar interests, 
  • coordination of research and implementation of the results in practice.

Another aim of the society is to represent the interests of general and visceral surgery vis-à-vis medical organizations and autonomous entities, the government and its institutions, as well as the public.

The number of members in the DGAV has been developing positively. Its membership has been constantly increasing since 1998. 2009 saw a significant jump to over 2500 active members. This growth reflects the strong interest of surgeons in the DGAV.

The DGAV aims to independently develop areas of competence within general and visceral surgery. This pertains to sugery of the gastrointestinal tract, hepatopancreatic surgery, surgical proctology, surgical endocrinology, cross-organ specialties such as transplantation surgery, surgical oncology, intensive care medicine and endoscopy.

Representing the interests of general and visceral surgery vis-à-vis neighboring disciplines — especially gastroenterology, anesthesiology, trauma surgery, gynacology, dermatology and otolaryngology — is of particular importance.

To realize all of these aims and tasks, the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Allgemein- und Viszeralchirurgie has established several working groups which tend to the coordination of research and the implementation of its results in practice. In this context, an important aim is to foster young physicians in general and visceral surgery.

DGAV news in German language

01. October 2024 Deutscher Chirurgie Kongress 2025 [more]
30. July 2024 DCK 2025 | Jetzt Abstract einreichen! [more]
29. April 2024 Wahl des 3. Vizepräsidenten [more]
26. April 2024 Viszeralmedizin 2024: Abstract-Deadline 30. April [more]
29. January 2024 Memorandum - Eintreten für unsere Grundsätze [more]

More German news


Last update: 2013-Oct-23