19. März 2020

ESSO Advanced Course on the Management of HIPEC after CRS

This advanced course on the management of HIPEC after CRS aims at discussing evidence-based clinical decision-making in the management of primary and secondary peritoneal cancer. It will offer a multidisciplinary programme combining both practical aspects and theoretical problems.


Aim of the Course
This advanced course on the management of HIPEC after CRS aims at discussing evidence-based clinical decision-making in the management of primary and secondary peritoneal cancer. It will offer a multidisciplinary programme combining both practical aspects and theoretical problems.

Educational methods
•    Participants will perform cytoreductive surgery in small groups in the wet lab using several new technical devices.
•    Case reports
•    Video discussion sessions
•    Plenary lectures

Main topics
•    Treatment principles for PSM
•    Perioperative management
•    Frequent indications and systemic treatment
•    Peritoneal metastases
•    Last results of randomized trials

Candidates profile
•    Senior residents (last two years of training)
•    Experienced consultant surgeons

Congress-Homepage: https://www.essoweb.org/courses/esso-advanced-course-management-hipec-after-crs-2020/



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